You are here: Purchasing > Goods Received Notes > Warehouse Receiving > Warehouse Transfer Inwards

Warehouse Transfer Inwards

A Warehouse Transfer Inwards can only created from an activated Warehouse Transfer Outwards. Only one outwards form can be received in on a transfer inwards form. One outwards can be received over multiple inwards forms.

These forms are warehouse dependant - you need to be in the correct warehouse to receive in the stock


1. Inventory Warehouse Transfer Inwards
2. New record and select the Transfer Outwards form from the search window
3. Enter quantities received by
  • Manually entering the number against each line
  • Click Receive All Outstanding

Review the steps where received quantity is not the same as transferred quantities

4. Confirm or adjust quantities or details using serial numbers or bin locations
5. Allocation of additional costs is handled automatically
6. Save changes
7. Tick Close Transfer if nothing more is to be received
8. Activate

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Serial Numbers

Bin Locations

Additional Costs

Receive More or Less Than Transferred